Tell me I was right.
Tell me Paris was beautiful. Tell me the Eiffel Tower wasn't a cliche. Tell me the cafes weren't too crowded. Tell me the rain didn't bother you. Tell me the croissants weren't overcooked and tell me the tour guide's accent wasn't too thick.
I know Paris was always only a metaphor.
I just wanted to be inspired.
I wanted to go watch a concert in the park tonight, but nobody else wanted to go. So there goes that feeling in my stomach again. I thought only teenagers felt this way. Now I'm saying things to my son, trying to hurt him. I must be poison.
I spent the afternoon trying to explain Caitlyn Jenner to my mom. I don't think I understand it all myself.
I'm not a woman inside, I just want to be inspired.
I just want to be inspired.
I bought this book like 10 years ago.
Then last week at the thrift shop I saw this:
WHAT THE $%*#?
But I've dedicated my life to Paris, as if Paris were the only place a creative person could dedicate his life to. But I created a Twitter with the WritersParis handle. But I purchased a domain name at But I've had students buy me calendars and journals and bring me back things from Paris. But my wife bought me a picture of Paris from Ikea. But I had Paris tattooed across my back in Old English. (Kidding.)
I've struggled to work on my novel this summer. It's much easier to tell wide-eyed teenagers they should be writers than it is to actually be a writer myself.
I guess I just want to be inspired.
So whether it's Paris or San Francisco, I don't know.
Maybe it's Lehi.
Maybe that was the point all along.
I have hatred in my heart.
9 years ago